Beware the Weresloth!

It’s Halloween in Top Troops so we’re looking forward to welcoming a new ghastly unit, a Were… sloth?!
Story: Seemingly harmless by day, terrifying when the sun goes down because that's when his eyes go bright red! The King crossed paths with him once only in a dark alley, but after that, he issued a royal decree to ban the creature from ever coming near him ever again.
Battle Tips:
Under Weresloth's chill surface, there's a savage beast that is unstoppable once his killing instincts have awakened. He can sap the speed of his enemies to accelerate and ultimately awaken into a killing machine.
Place him somewhere on the grid where he can reach fast Melee units and slow them down!
If you find a Weresloth on the other side of the battlefield, try to counter him by combining Frontline and Ranged units!
Speed Thirst: All enemies who enter an area of radius 4 surrounding Weresloth will have their Attack Speed and Movement Speed reduced.
Awakening: After 12 entities have been affected by Speed Thirst, Weresloth will enter a savage state, increasing his Damage, Movement Speed, and Attack Speed.
Take It Easy: When Weresloth triggers Awakening, any ally in a radius of 4 from it will become Enraged.
Slother: While in savage state, Weresloth’s regular attacks will apply Bitten for 6 seconds.
Stats at level 300:
Damage: 27,590
Health: 183,945