Patch Notes v2.0.6

Game mode changes
There are new tiers of ancients coming to the game! The new top tier will be 18, with the best rewards ever offered in Ancient Battles!. New tiers will not be available until all players are asked to upgrade their game to the latest version.
Battle Bug Fixes
The following bugs have been fixed:
Wave Warrior Drenthest’s Kai Mana skill was causing increasing enemies’ Attack Speed instead of reducing it.
The Swamp blessing in Clan Wars that was preventing units from moving instead of reducing their Movement Speed by 75%.
The Spawn Minions skill of Necromancer Rat was spawning minions with incorrect stats.
Explorabbit and Samurai were getting stuck in an untargetable state if they were in the underground and sprinting state respectively at the same time.
Stun visuals were appearing on top of units even when they were not stunned.
System changes
We are simplifying the process of converting the third copy of an Epic or Legendary unit into Fragments. Your third copy will be automatically converted into Fragments right after you obtain it!
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