Patch Notes v2.0.5

Battle Bug Fixes
The following battle bugs have been fixed:
The faction bonus was being applied to both teams in certain situations.
Swashbuckler damaged himself after triggering the Riposte skill when he did not have an active target next to him.
Leshy had 1 Health point when being reborn under certain situations.
Stone Hermit’s Electric Bath and Holy Ground skills did not work correctly.
Mushroom Shield’s Defensive Champi-on skill wasn’t triggering correctly in certain situations.
Slime King’s Extra Fluidity didn’t increase the Attack Speed of the mini slime spawns.
Warrior Carriage’s Roadkill wasn’t being triggered, thus not stunning enemies.
Dwarf Engineer wasn’t spawning mechas under specific circumstances. She was also losing her target in the middle of some battles..
The King’s Shields Be Splintered skill description has been corrected.
Some VFX weren’t appearing correctly in battle under certain circumstances.
Some Health bars were hidden behind some units and were hard to see.
All these issues are solved now!
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