Dev Diary v.3: Units Rebalancing - Additional Communication

Hello Commanders!
We have heard your concerns regarding the upcoming general rebalancing of units, so we are giving you all the details so you know what to expect.
Regarding the redistribution of stats among archetypes, we noticed that ranged and mage units were performing much worse than other archetypes in the game. Our internal simulations placed them last in terms of Damage among the damage-dealing archetypes and we also identified that they were not reaching the top teams as easily as other archetypes.
For context, the way that we balance stats in our game is by starting with a base stat for any unit of a specific rarity and then applying multipliers depending on the archetype. With this, we arrive at the base stat for that unit, which is then modified depending on its level, rank, and other boosts.
Changes in the baseline of Health and Damage by rarity
Health from 800 has been reduced to 100
Damage from 78 has been reduced to 6.7
Health from 1600 has been reduced to 120
Damage from 119 has been reduced to 8
Health from 4000 has been reduced to 170
Damage from 222 has been reduced to 8.5
Health from 6400 has been reduced to 200
Damage from 629 has been reduced to 10
All rarities share the same multipliers across all different archetypes, in this version, we have changed some of those multipliers, balancing the interaction between archetypes, thus avoiding having only one archetype useful to deal damage.
Archetype multipliers change
Frontliners: We are happy with frontline units, but sometimes it can take too long when they are facing each other. That’s why we have decided to uplift their damage.
The damage multiplier increased from 0.2 to 0.5
The health multiplier has not been modified, keeping it at 1.8
Melee: This archetype was causing trouble maintaining the strategy among archetypes and team compositions, sometimes defeating tankier units too fast so that Ranged and Mages were too weak to beat them.
The damage multiplier has been reduced from 1.9 to 1.2
The health multiplier has not been modified, keeping it at 1
Ranged: We have increased their durability in battle, meaning that we have also reduced the damage they deal in order to keep coherences across archetypes.
The damage multiplier has been reduced from 0.9 to 0.6
The health multiplier increased from 0.2 to 0.6
Mage: Mage units lacked the damage to be powerful enough to break the balance of a battle; now they are the units with less health and therefore must be protected.
The damage multiplier increased from 0.7 to 0.9
The health multiplier increased from 0.2 to 0.35
Support: Similar to frontline units, battles between supports and frontlines could last too long, that’s why we are giving them a boost in damage and health to keep providing utility in battle.
The damage multiplier increased from 0.3 to 0.7
The health multiplier increased from 0.7 to 0.85
Assassin: With this new iteration, we wanted to keep the feeling of a glass cannon unit being able to target units and defeat them without breaking the backline balance.
The damage multiplier increased from 1 to 1.8
The health multiplier increased from 0.4 to 0.55
This summarizes the general balancing changes we made. On top of this, we tweaked the stats of individual units for several reasons:
Units that have powerful area attacks were tweaked to deal less damage in order to compensate for the fact that they can attack multiple units at a time.
We wanted to protect popular units that we know you love and have invested lots of resources in, so the following units received an extra boost to ensure their status as great-value units: Oni Warrior, Werewolf, Bloodlust Bullet, Dwarf Engineer, and Spirited Tiger.
The final result is a battle that we believe is more balanced
Melees will no longer be so tanky and will need the support of Frontliners and healers to survive the entire battle.
The removal of some multi-population units means that area attacks are not as dominant as they used to be. Balancing the power of single vs. area attacks.
Ranged units will not fall as quickly before assassins, meaning their damage output will increase as they are able to stay on the field for longer.
Mage units will be the true glass cannons we wanted them to be, they have very high DPS but really need all the protection they can get to become the MVPs.
👀 Excited for the upcoming changes? We look forward to hearing your feedback on the Top Troops social channels (FB, IG, X) and Discord server.