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Patch Notes v1.5

web v.1.5

New Features


We're excited to introduce a brand new feature that adds depth and strategy to character customization: Gear! This addition allows you to enhance your units' performance in battles by equipping them with different pieces of gear.

There are various sets of gear, each boosting a specific stat such as health, attack or defense and catering to different playstyles and strategies. Matching pieces that boost the same stat unlocks the gearโ€™s set bonus!

Gear can also be upgraded using gold and a new special currency to upgradeย  gear: tools. Upgrading gear not only boosts the main stat but also unlocks secondary stat boosts.

  • Gear Rarity System

Like our units, gear also comes in different rarities: Common, Rare, Epic, and Legendary. Rarity defines a gearโ€™s maximum upgrade level, which means that the higher the rarity, the better the stats. Moreover, higher rarity gear also allows for more secondary stats to be unlocked!

  • Secondary Stats

Upgrading gear unlocks secondary stats that are randomly selected and boosted in different percentages. The boost is connected to the gearโ€™s rarity; the higher the rarity, the better the potential boost! And in case you are not sure if you got it right, donโ€™t worry. Secondary stats are coloured based on their boost; gray is normal, yellow is good and green is excellent.

  • Tools

Tools are a new currency, whose only purpose is to upgrade gear. Tools can be obtained from many sources, like Quests, the Tower of Fate and Tower of Factions, and the Chambers of Destiny. Moreover, tools can alsoย  be obtained from dismantling unnecessary gear! The higher the rarity and level of the gear you dismantle, the higher the return in tools.

Game Modes Rebalancing

The release of gear brings changes to the power of units; and although equipping gear to your units makes them much stronger, enemy units in PvE modes will not be able to use gear. For that reason, we are rebalancing existing game modes to maintain pacing. The modes that we are rebalancing are the following:

  • Adventure

  • Quests

  • Tower of Fate & Tower of Factions

  • Battle Challenges

That means that when you log in the game, battles you have already defeated may be harder.

We are aware and apologize for this inconvenience but we believe that this is the best way to ensure a smooth experience for all players, new and veterans alike. However, do not worry! Equipping gear to your units and upgrading it will very quickly empower them and you will be able to perform even better than you did before.

Chambers of Destiny

For many of you, Chambers of Destiny is one of your favorite game modes, and for us too! However, in later levels in the game, Chambers of Destiny failed to offer a challenge, losing its appeal for more advanced Commanders. For that reason, we are revamping the mode, keeping all of its cool features intact but adding a new layer of difficulty!

We are keeping the core gameplay unchanged and we are now adding 10 tiers of difficulty to the Chambers. On each tier, enemies will have a fixed range of level and rank that is higher than the previous. In order to unlock a new tier, you will need to complete the previous several times in a row. But as the difficulty grows, the rewards follow!ย  On top of better rewards, we are adding gear as a new reward but with a new mechanic; now when you enter Chambers of Destiny, from the Tier 2 and above, you will get presented with three options of gear stats. Your choice will limit all gear drops to the stats that you select. Itโ€™s all your choice!

Acid Map in the Adventure Mode

Gear brings new opportunities and new challenges! We are introducing a new difficulty in Adventure: Acid! Acid is one of our most challenging game modes yet that will require your strongest armies equipped with your shiniest gear. But what is a challenge without a reward? The Acid map is the only one where youโ€™ll have a chance of finding Legendary gear!

Clan Wars

Gather your clanmates and engage in thrilling battles against other clans for a chance to climb to the top of the rankings and claim the best rewards!

Clan Wars is an event that takes place two times a week and is composed of two action phases; a Defense Phase, when you will need to protect your clanโ€™s fort by setting up mighty defenses; and an Attack Phase during which you need to time amass your strongest forces to breach the opposing clanโ€™s fort. Your clanโ€™s performance in Clan Wars is critical for climbing the rankings! The rewards you receive will depend equally on your Clanโ€™s performance and your own personal output!

Our first Clan War will begin on the 2nd of April! Stay tuned for more news on the long awaited Clan Wars!

New Ancient Levels

Gear unlocks new limits and brings new challenges! With the latest update, we are adding 3 new tiers of Ancients.

Battle Balancing Changes

The following changes have been made to battle mechanics:

  • We are introducing two new stats in the game:

    • Life Steal: This is the percentage of damage that the unit deals which will be converted to health points recovered. As an example, a Swordsman that has a Life Steal stat of 20% will recover 20 health points if it deals 100 damage in an attack.

      • The default value of this stat is 0%. Look out for Gear pieces that can boost the Life Steal stat!

      • Life Steal applies to all kinds of damage the unit deals: regular attacks, special attacks and status effect damage per second.

    • Cooldown: This is the time interval between uses of certain skills by a squad. Squads that have a skill which requires cooldownย  will have that skill highlighted in the stats screen of the squad. As an example, Necromancer Ratโ€™s Spawn Minions skill is triggered every 10 seconds by defaultโ€”that is its cooldown and it can now be shortened by equipping specific Gear pieces.

      • Cooldown can only be reduced by reaching certain thresholds with the gear modifiers. Those thresholds are: 15, which will reduce cooldown by 10%, 30, which will reduce it by an additional 15% and 50, which will reduce it by another 25%. As an example: Necromancer Rat

        • will perform the skill Spawn Minions every 10 seconds by default.

        • it will do it every 9 seconds if it has gear equipped that gives it a cooldown modifier of at least 15,

        • 7.5 seconds with a cooldown modifier of at least 30 and

        • 5 seconds with a cooldown modifier of at least 50.

      • The following skills that were modifying cooldown before this stat existed on its own will change to do something different:

        • Pyromaniacโ€™s Molotov Cocktail skill will now increase the duration of the burn effect it applies, not its cooldown.

        • Battle Drummerโ€™s Drop The Beat skill will now increase the duration of the stun effect applied, not its cooldown.

        • Berserkerโ€™s Whirlwind skill will now increase its damage, not its cooldown.

        • Elemental Witchโ€™s Fire skill will now increase the duration that the burning area stays active, not its cooldown.

        • Ymirโ€™s Cry Of Jotnar skill will now increase its damage, not its cooldown.

        • Tricksterโ€™s Hocus Pocus skill will now increase the Tricksterโ€™s base Defense stat, not decrease the cooldown of the skill in subsequent uses.

        • Dwarf Engineerโ€™s Mecha Friend skill will stop increasing its cooldown, instead each additional robot on the field will increase the Critical Chance of all other robots and Dwarf Engineer by a percentage, and this skill will increase that percentage.

        • Ember Elementalโ€™s Volcano Smash skill will now increase its damage, not its cooldown.

        • Mermanโ€™s Slice and Splash skill will now increase the skillโ€™s radius, not its cooldown.

        • Dakiniโ€™s Dance Of Fear skill will now increase the damage of the first hit it does after entering its trance, not its cooldown.

        • Stormโ€™s Raiu skill will now increase its damage, not its cooldown.

        • Stone Hermitโ€™s Holy Ground skill will now increase the time it grants immunity to electrocute to affected allies, not its cooldown.

        • Mushroom Shieldโ€™s Fun Guy skill will now increase the time it grants immunity to poison to affected allies, not its cooldown.

        • The Kingโ€™s Tip Of the Spear skill will now increase its damage, not its cooldown.

        • Water Maidenโ€™s Purity Pool skill will now increase the time it grants immunity to burn to affected allies, not its cooldown.

        • Fire Slasherโ€™s Blade Of The Fiery Abyss skill will now increase the duration of the burn effect it applies, not its cooldown.

      • Additionally, the following changes in cooldown have been made:

        • Valkyrie will now trigger its Step Back skill every 6 seconds instead of 4.

        • Herbalist will now trigger its Fungal Fun skill every 6 seconds instead of 4.

        • Thundershot will now trigger its Call Of Lightning skill every 6 seconds instead of 5.

        • Conductor will now trigger its Volt Discharge skill every 7 seconds instead of 5.

        • Pyromaniac will now trigger its Molotov Cocktail skill every 7 seconds instead of 8.

        • Juggernaut will now trigger its Stomp skill every 10 seconds instead of 7.

        • Ymir will now trigger its Cry Of Jotnar skill every 6 seconds instead of 8.

        • Merman will now trigger its Slice and Splash skill every 6 seconds instead of 8.

        • Dakini will now trigger its Dance Of Fear skill every 6 seconds instead of 8.

        • Sylvan Spirit will now trigger its Moving Shadows skill every 8 seconds instead of 7.

        • Ose will now trigger its Great President Of hell skill every 6 seconds instead of 8.

        • Thundershot will now trigger its Call Of Lightning skill every 6 seconds instead of 5.

        • Eira will now trigger its Tip of the Iceberg skill every 6 seconds instead of 5.

        • The health of the Lava Lord has been rebalanced across all tiers to accommodate the three new tiers in which Ancients may appear.

Battle Bug fixes

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • Stormโ€™s Raiu skill visuals have been redesigned so they are more clear and stand out.

  • Fixed a bug that affected area effects of several unitโ€™s enemy versions. That bug was preventing them from affecting the desired target, targeting enemies when they should be buffing allies and vice versa.

  • Fixed a bug that made the Slimes spawned by Slime King vulnerable straight away after spawning. From now on they should be invulnerable for 1 second after the death of the Slime King as intended.

  • Fixed a bug with the Electrocuted status effect that was stacking the bonus damage to an electrocuted enemy several times.

  • Fixed a bug that was preventing Hermesโ€™ Gotta Go skill from working correctly. It should now increase the unitโ€™s critical chance vs Electrocuted enemies as intended.

  • Fixed an error in the skill description of El Bandoleroโ€™s Losing a Compadre skill that mentioned the limit of its Damage buff to be 400% when itโ€™s actually 500%.

Economy Changes

Royal Season

  • In the next Royal Season,ย  starting on the 8th of April, there will be two changes:

    • We are adding a brand new mission related to our newly introduced gear! Leveling up any gear piece will contribute to this mission.

    • โ€œArena Duelistโ€ and โ€œPit Summonerโ€ Missions gained one last step last Season to make up for the disappearance of the Magic Island Mission that was removed due to the reduced frequency of this event. However, with the arrival of the new Gear Mission, these temporary extra steps will disappear. All Missions will have the same number of steps again.

    • Auto Win Tickets will disappear from the Royal Season rewards and be replaced with tools, the new currency that is needed to level up gear pieces


  • After the addition of Gear and Legendary Quests, we are making some adjustments to our Epic Quests

  • The epic quest called โ€œBright Treasuresโ€ย  will now give Epic Soulstones instead of legendary soulstones. You can still farm legendary soulstones in the quest โ€œSkills for Lifeโ€.

  • Epic questsย  โ€œMage Pinnacleโ€, โ€œRanged Pinnacleโ€ and โ€œAssassin Pinnacleโ€ will now give random emblems

  • Epic quests โ€œFrontline Pinnacleโ€ and โ€œSupport Pinnacleโ€ will now give rare, epic and legendary gear!

  • Epic quest โ€œMelee Pinnacleโ€ will now give a combination of gear, emblems and soulstones

  • Common and Rare quests โ€œUp Above the Cloudsโ€ and โ€œDivine Interventionโ€ will now give tools instead of level-up materials

  • Common and Rare quests called โ€œPrelude to Hellโ€ and โ€œSix Circles of Hellโ€™ will now give random level-up materials

Talent Unlock

  • The release of gear brings a lot of customisation into your strategy and enhances your unitsโ€™ power. At the same time, it also greatly increases the information you receive, especially at the early stages of the game. For that reason, we are postponing the unlocking of the talent system from unit level 40 to unit level 100 in order to ensure a smooth experience for new players and avoid information overload.

Battle Replay in Adventure

  • With the addition of Gear in Adventure, we are also limiting the daily replays of a single battle. Now you will be able to replay the same node 5 times. If you want to play a specific battle more than 5 times, you can refresh its daily limit with gems.